About Me
Quoted from the book As a Man Thinketh-
"As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. Thought in the mind hath made us. What we are by thought we wrought and built. If a man's mind hath evil thoughts, pain comes on him as comes the wheel the ox behind . . . If one endure in purity of thought joy follows him as his own shadow - sure." - James Allen
Basic Information
Name: Dr Kayla-Teri Hofer
Date of Birth: 05 April 1991
Gender: Female
Nationality: South African, German
Location: Banbury, Oxfordshire
Language: English
Education Level: PhD (Doctor in Philosophy)
Marital Status: Single
Work Experience: Podcast Host, Recruitment, Hospitality, Sales and Promotions, Account Management, Telecommunications, Personal Coaching, Reiki Energy Healing and Teaching, Basic Counseling, Health and Wellness, Herbalism and Naturopathy, Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Alternatives.
Interests: Podcasting, Sustainability, Eco-Friendly Living, Herbalism and Naturapathy, Yoga and Meditation, Reiki Energy Healing, Hynpotherapy, Van Life Living, Living Off-Grid, Grow Your Own Food, Solar Energy, Water Purification, Personal Development, E-Learning, Health and Wellness, Metaphysics, Quantum Physics, Living At Sea, Small Space Living, Tiny House Movement, Homesteading and Philosophy.